
Trade india

                                                                                                              Trade  Trade The term trade is used for buying and selling. Trade is exchanging goods for money and sometimes in a barter deal it is exchanging goods for goods. When you buy a pen, you exchange money for a pen, but you are not engaged in trade as you are buying the pen tor your personal use. But when a shop-keeper buys goods from a wholesaler or a manufacturer to sell to other people, he is engaged in trade. The retailer is the last link in the chain of distribution before the product reaches the consumer the person who uses it. The other part of trade, wholesale trade, means buying goods from manufacturer in large quantities and selling them to retailers. Some manufacturers may sell their products direct to retailers or to consumers. The retailer may perform a useful functioning the community by holding stocks, sellin

who invented the cell Phone

First phone Invented by Graham Bell  Bell, Alexander Graham (1847-1922), was a Scottish-born scientist who invented the telephone. Other inventors had tried to send speech by wire, but Bell was the first to succeed. Bell's upbringing had a great influence on his career. His father was a success- ful teacher of deaf-mutes and had invented a code of symbols called Visible Speech to help them learn. Bell aided his father in his work, and also taught speech and music as a student teacher at a boys school in Edinburgh. In 1870 Bell moved with his family to Ontario, Canada, as he was suffering from tuberculosis from which both his brothers had died. He soon recovered, and went to Boston, Massachusetts, where he set up a school for teachers of the deaf. Bell was made a professor at Boston University, but he still continued with his electrical experiments. He found doing all the work by himself rather difficult, so he en

Sleep well

  Sleep and dreams   Sleep is a period of rest and recovery for the body. Human beings and many animals need periods of sleep or they will die . When a person sleeps, his eyes close and his muscles relax.He loses conscious-ness of time and of most events around him. But he is not completely cut off from the world. A loud sound, such as the ring-ing of an alarm clock, will usually wake him. And even a slight sound can alert him in certain circumstances. A mother, for example, often wakes at the first sign of her baby stirring. People's sleep habits vary greatly. Most people sleep at night, when it is dark. But night workers have to sleep during the day. Seven or eight hours of sleep a night is normal for many adults. Some adults require much less and others re- quire more. Infants and young children spend a much greater part of their lives asleep than adults do. People also vary in how much they move in their sleep. Some toss and turn. Ot

toys story,toysmith,toys,for kids

Toys increases brain ability of thinking of the children Toys give pleasure and amusement to  children. At the same time most toys help children to learn. Skipping ropes, balls and scooters help to develop balance and agility. Tops, beads, building blocks and cut-outs teach finger and hand co- ordination. Many kinds of toys teach children about adult jobs and they also explain how things work. Such toys include cars and boats, train sets, miniature kitchen equipment and chemistry sets. Others, such as dolls and puppets, stimulate a child's imagination. Children can invent stories about toys of this kind, or perform little plays with them. Other kinds of toys are based on competition, and include droughts and many other board games. Educational toys are designed to teach children reading, arithmetic, or some other school subject, while those for young children teach them about shapes and colors. Toys do not have to be expensiv