Trade india


Trade The term trade is used for buying
and selling. Trade is exchanging goods for
money and sometimes in a barter deal it
is exchanging goods for goods. When you
buy a pen, you exchange money for a
pen, but you are not engaged in trade as
you are buying the pen tor your personal
use. But when a shop-keeper buys goods
from a wholesaler or a manufacturer to
sell to other people, he is engaged in

The retailer is the last link in the
chain of distribution before the product
reaches the consumer the person who
uses it. The other part of trade, wholesale
trade, means buying goods from manufacturer
in large quantities and selling them
to retailers. Some manufacturers may sell
their products direct to retailers or to

The retailer may perform a useful
functioning the community by holding
stocks, selling goods in small amounts,
and meeting the irregular demands of his
customers. The organization in the retail
trade may be a large department store
selling a wide range of goods or a small
corner grocery store catering for the
individual needs of the local 

The wholesaler buys and stores goods
in large quantities. He usually deals in
one type of goods, such as furniture or
electrical goods. Some large wholesalers
organized on a national basis - that it,
supplying the type of goods they deal in
throughout the country - may be able to
buy the whole of a manufacturer's output.
Such a wholesaler is sometimes called a
sole agent.

Domestic trade is a term used for
buying and selling goods produced and
consumed within a country. But when
goods are sold overseas it is called inter-
national trade. This allows people to buy
a variety of goods from various countries
of the world. The goods that a country
sells to another are called exports, and
those that a country buys from other
countries are called imports.

Few countries in the world today
are self-sufficient.Almost all
countries rely on imports from
other countries. The industrialized
countries export manufactured goods,
but usually have to rely on other countries for
their raw materials. By importing goods, a
country is able to obtain products that it
cannot produce for itself. Sometimes a
country may find that it can obtain certain
goods more cheaply from other countries
than it would cost to produce them itself.


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